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The first mold manufacturing 2025 Summit was held in Han

Post by:admin | Post time:2017/4/9

2016, May 25, 2016, "the first mold manufacturing 2025 Summit Forum and the benefits of science and technology 10 anniversary thanks" by the mold manufacturing 2025 Summit Forum Organizing Committee (China Die & Mold Industry Association, State Key Laboratory of Die Casting Technology, Wuhan Ltd.) to "mold information automation to promote a new journey of intelligence" as the theme, in Wuhan Optical Valley Golden Shield Hotel grand opening. The conference attracted more than 300 delegates from the national mold industry.

China Mold Industry Association executive vice president and secretary general Wu Bingshu to develop manufacturing services, mold industry to promote mold manufacturing 2025 as the theme, to explore the mold enterprises to upgrade the development of new directions. Focusing on the information, intelligence and metal 3D printing on the mold industry's impact. And in the 10 years of the establishment of the benefits of science and technology, Mr. Wu Bingshu on the development and expansion of the benefits of science and technology to congratulate the mold technology for the mold industry, information technology and intelligent made by the outstanding contribution expressed positive hope that the future of science and technology Innovation and development, to help mold enterprises to meet the challenges of future mold manufacturing 2025.

Professor Li Dequn, a member of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and Huazhong University of Science and Technology, gave a keynote speech on the intelligent technology of plastic injection molding, and pointed out that perception, process knowledge and intelligent methods were the key to the development and application of injection molding intelligent technology.

Dr. Yi Ping, Chairman of Wuhan Yimiao Technology Co., Ltd., put forward the concept and significance of "Mold Making 2025" for the first time in the report of "Mold Manufacturing 2025 Digital Factory Planning and 2016 Hanover Industrial Exhibition", and analyzed China Mold enterprises from the parts to the digital, automation, intelligent development of the only way. And pointed out that the current mold industry in China has a certain scale, but the degree of specialization is not enough, homogeneous competition, the overall show "big but not strong" status quo, to achieve mold manufacturing power is still long way to go. To this end, Dr. Yi Ping initiated the establishment of "China Mold Manufacturing 2025 Innovation Alliance" to study the development of China Mold Manufacturing 2025 development planning and landing standards, inviting scientific research institutions, industry associations, mold enterprises, mold enterprises to provide technical services, Industry veterans and experts to actively participate. The future alliance will gather in China mold industry leading enterprises and elite people, regularly presided over the think tank meeting, held once a year mold manufacturing 2025 Summit Forum, together to write China's mold manufacturing 2025 road.

FAW Mold Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Deputy General Manager Mr. Li Yue at the summit to do a "FAW Mold digital factory practical experience and future planning to share." It is understood that FAW Mold is one of the first customers to benefit from the use of benefits software. He said that in 2006 when the establishment of mold technology, FAW mold began to use the benefits of software, has also been 10 years, and the benefits of science and technology cooperation 10 years experience profound, a lot of income to achieve the EMan as the core system Production processes, plans and cost of the entire process control, including process planning and planning reached 95%.

Zhuhai Gree large gold Precision Mold Co., Ltd. Deputy General Manager Mr. Yuan Guoqiang made a "Gree Daikin mold digital factory construction and future planning to share," Gree Daikin cooperation with the mold six years to achieve the tool management, factory production planning quantification, Such as tool life ahead of warning, to prevent the occurrence of quality and safety accidents Double machine or three machines share a silo, mold production to achieve the entire process control, and the whole process cost control can be accurate to the points.

Mr. Zhao Xingfu, Technical Support Manager of Carl Zeiss (Shanghai) Management Co., Ltd., focused on the development of mold detection automation, explores the future planning of mold enterprises under the application mode of cloud computing, and shows the detection automation unit Line solution.

Mr. Zhu Xunmin, General Manager of Fuluke Hot Runner Technology Co., Ltd., shared the main decision-making problems, the core goal suggestions and the selection proposals of information suppliers in the information construction of small and medium mold enterprises.

Ms. Liu Tianyi, Director of Operation Management, Suzhou, introduced the long-term research and preparation, built a new platform model, through the integration of resources and needs to help enterprises solve many existing problems, such as supply chain management Of the outsourcing processing, material procurement and other practical problems, the latter part of the supply chain finance, one-stop model and other service mold business, the real mold enterprises to achieve collaborative manufacturing efforts.

On the afternoon of May 26th, the Mold Manufacturing 2025 Summit Forum held three sub-session lectures with the "Management Forum", the "Design Sub-Forum" and the "Manufacturing Forum". By the Yanfeng Visteon Yejing Li, Ping Wei mold Hongjing Li, Nantong over Xu total, Shenzhen Dongjiang mold toward the manager, Hong Lida mold Kang total, Yi Chang Technology Wu, the first injection of the total, Dongguan Huiming Die Dengjing Li , As well as the United States and the United States and many years of science and technology manager and other business representatives, they have their own practical experience in the mold information, automation, intelligent applications Practical cases and related technology sharing, get the participants praise.

With the end of the sub-field, dinner appreciation meeting, the benefits of technology and three Granville Industrial (Zhuhai) Co., Ltd. reached a strategic partnership and the signing ceremony will also be on-site activities to the climax, and to accompany the past 10 years Mold the growth of the benchmark customers have been grateful to express my heartfelt thanks!

On the morning of the 27th, the guests were grouped on Dongfeng Motor - Xiaogan Huazhong Mold City, Hongsheng Mold - Xianning Mold Industrial Park, Huazhong University of Science and Technology State Key Laboratory of 3D Printing Center, visited and studied in a laughter and Warm exchange of sound, the summit came to a successful conclusion!