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National mold product quality supervision and inspection center will be settled in Dongguan Changan

Post by:admin | Post time:2017/4/9

Mold State Examination Center appearance renderings

Background news

Recently, the People's Daily, Xinhua News Agency, China Central Television, Economic Daily and other central media have in-depth to Dongguan, Guangdong, Dongguan transformation and upgrading to achieve the results of the stage, have opened a column to be reported. In pursuit of these gratifying information, "Innovation Guangdong" column "dig" to an important news: National Mold Product Quality Supervision and Inspection Center (hereinafter referred to as "Mold State Inspection Center") will be settled in Dongguan Changan.

As we all know, 30 years of reform and opening up, Dongguan to "three to fill a" started, has formed a large scale, industry categories complete, industry supporting a better processing and manufacturing base, "the world factory," said. Mold is known as the "mother of industry", is a typical traditional industries, but also highly associated with the manufacturing industry, small to mobile phones, U disk, large cars, aircraft, etc., almost all products manufacturing will be used to mold. Therefore, the logical, Dongguan developed manufacturing industry gave birth to the prosperity of the mold industry, the rise of the mold industry has become a new economic development of regional energy.

According to the former president of Guangdong Province Die & Mold Industry Association, South China University of Technology doctoral tutor Professor Ruan Feng, Dongguan City, more than 2,000 existing mold enterprises, Guangdong is the main mold product distribution center, which Chang'an town hardware mold industry advantage is particularly evident , With more than 1,000 mold enterprises, customers all over the country. With the development of the manufacturing needs of the foundation, only the Dongguan Changan die in particular the prosperity. At present, Changan mold as the representative of the Dongguan mold has developed into a domestic reputation and a certain international influence of the regional brands, and a lot of mold products exported to Japan, the United States, Europe and other manufacturing and mold industry power.

With the computer, Internet, automation and other technologies on the manufacturing industry continues to improve, the fourth industrial revolution has been quietly to. Germany, the United States, Japan and other manufacturing powers have put forward the "Industrial 4.0", "Advanced Manufacturing National Strategic Plan", "Science and Technology Industry Alliance" and other national strategies, China has also put forward in recent years, "China made 2025" national strategy. As we all know, mold as the "mother of industry", its degree of development directly related to the overall level of development of the manufacturing sector. Therefore, the mold State Inspection Center is about to settle in Dongguan Changan, is reasonable, but also reflects the local government to promote industrial restructuring and economic transformation and upgrading of the determination and courage.

In Dongguan, Guangdong Province, Quality Supervision and Testing Center (hereinafter referred to as "Dongguan Quality Inspection Center") building on the fourth floor of an office, the mold State Inspection Center responsible for the preparation of the European dragon, academic leaders Professor Ruan Feng, postdoctoral Wu Jian To the "Innovation Guangdong" column introduced the preparation of the mold State Inspection Center.

Innovative testing agency function

"In order to improve the level of China's mold industry manufacturing, the State Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine in November 2014 formally approved the Dongguan Quality Inspection Center to build mold State Inspection Center. The total investment of 80 million yuan, construction area of more than 8600 square meters, construction work Dongguan Changan town in full swing.Currently, the progress of construction has entered the stage of renovation and renovation, the construction plan should be completed in July this year, at this stage to build a full-time staff of 11 people, academic leaders are senior experts in the field of mold, South China University of Technology Professor Ruan Feng, and a postdoctoral 1, Master 4. "European sea dragon straight to the point, went straight to the theme.

On the mold of the National Center for the function of the European Hailong further said that, in fact, at the beginning of the preparation, Dongguan Quality Supervision Center Director Gu Liwen proposed to mold the National Center to do a "comprehensive service body" vision. After the investigation team has to Zhejiang Yuyao, Ninghai, Taizhou and other places to study, research, and finally concluded that the test center can not only stay in a single test function, otherwise there is no "hematopoietic" function, it will not continue , Benign to run down. Therefore, the combination of research summary of the situation, the final decision to mold the function of the National Center gradually extended to the standard, testing, certification, research and development, training and other services, and gradually formed to help China's mold industry into advanced manufacturing, intelligent manufacturing As the responsibility of the high degree of positioning, and the joint high research institutions, standardization organizations, certification bodies, the top testing equipment suppliers, intelligent manufacturing providers, such as the mold will be set up in the center of science and technology research and development in one of the quality of technology integrated service concept.

"In short, the mold State Inspection Center for enterprises and social organizations to provide design research and development assistance, product quality management, technical standards revision, system certification, laboratory construction, technical advice and training, such as all-round one-stop service , For the mold industry to upgrade to provide technical support, "Ouhai Long concluded.

Dongguan efficiency

"Although the center is still in the preparatory stage, but not as usual as the unit 'and so on rice pot', but 'find rice pot', really do the side to build, side services, we have now started for some enterprises to provide related services "Said Professor Nguyen, who sat on the other side of the table. Mold State Inspection Center operating efficiency and style of doing things, but also really confirmed the recent public media experience in Dongguan interview, Dongguan is indeed a profound change, more pragmatic and more efficient.

Preparation of the mold in the national inspection center integrated service body since it has "rice pot", and the integration of production and research, presumably "diesel" is also prepared for almost, right? The so-called "good work, we must first of its profits" Well. In the face of doubt, the European director of the sea put the current "family" slightly under the "exposure." According to its introduction, the entire leather industry inspection center integrated services 80 million of investment, nearly 60 million is for the purchase of various types of equipment. The current equipment has been completed two batches of equipment, equipment in place and installation and commissioning according to plan in about October this year to complete.

In the mold State Inspection Center comprehensive service equipment list list, there are some areas of the relevant "international big coffee" figure. For example, in the non-destructive testing equipment, there are Cai Cai and according to Ke-long industrial CT; in the precision measurement equipment, there are Zeiss and Hexagon's three coordinate machine and image measuring instrument; 3D printing, the German ConceptLaser company's metal 3D printer; thermal analysis field, the United States TA company's differential scanning calorimeter, thermogravimetric analyzer, thermomechanical analyzer, dynamic thermomechanical analyzer, etc .; material composition, structure and mechanical performance analysis equipment, also a collection of Atomic emission spectrometry, scanning electron microscopy, X-ray diffractometer, universal testing machine and a number of advanced professional equipment.

"Although the center has not yet completed, but should be gathered, the so-called efficiency of Dongguan, in fact, we are looking for the transformation of the industry 'cattle nose', dig to the needs of the market, homeopathy, unhappy reason? National inspection center to build team members of the self-confidence and optimism, it seems that people see the center of the construction of the scene in full swing.

It is understood that, according to the integration of production and research ideas, as of now there are 10 institutions settled in the mold State Inspection Center. Zeiss is the world's leading manufacturer of precision optical instruments, according to the European sea dragon revealed that Zeiss next step will be located in Shenzhen, Guangdong service application center relocation, located in the mold of the National Inspection Center; Haixi Kang is the world's leading planning , Measurement and visualization technology provider, Thermo Fisher is the world leader in the field of chemical analysis of materials, Germany, according to the International Light Co., Ltd. is the leader in the field of non-destructive testing, such as those in the relevant fields at home and abroad are in The top level of the unit or institution has also been "hand" mold national inspection center. At the same time, the domestic national mold standardization technical committee, China Quality Certification Center (CQC), South China University of Technology, Shenzhen Institute of Standardization Technology and other heavyweight units and institutions have been pouring.

Open the door to welcome

As the center academic leader, South China University of Technology doctoral tutor Professor Ruan Feng said that the center of the application and preparation and other links, have been Dongguan municipal government and Changan town Party committee, the government's strong support, which shows the local government in the stable Growth, adjust the structure of the big policy environment of the courage and play. Mold State Inspection Center to detect as the starting point, to expand the training, certification, standardization, research and innovation and other one-stop service, it is in line with the current needs of the development of Dongguan mold industry. The "mold enterprise advanced manufacturing capacity" certification, will serve as the center in this year for the industry to provide the first service projects, which is also around Guangdong in recent years vigorously promote the smart manufacturing strategy coincide.

For the mold State Inspection Center operating schedule, Ouhai Long said that in accordance with the planned progress in December this year will be carried out by the State Administration of Quality Supervision, "three in one" review, after review the center can enter the acceptance and put into use stage. When the mold of the National Center for integrated services will be officially opened the door for the mold enterprises to provide a comprehensive quality services for the development of China's mold industry to make due contributions.