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Mold industry: how to share the two trillion big market?

Post by:admin | Post time:2017/4/9

At present, China has become the world's largest industrial country, the most important industrial products export, but also the world's second largest economy. The rise of China is the most important change in the world economic landscape since the twenties and thirties. However, as a newly emerging industrialized country, China's industrial scale is large, although the ability is strong, but there are still a lot of constraints. Mold industry, which is one of the main one.

Since the end of the last century, with the developed countries, industrial "hollow" policy, the focus of mold manufacturing to China as the representative of the developing countries. At the same time, with the expansion of the domestic manufacturing industry, as the basis of the mold manufacturing industry has grown rapidly. However, with more than 20 years of domestic mold industry growth, industry homogeneity as scheduled, the gradual deterioration of the competitive situation.

As the mold in the manufacturing industry plays an important role, so the mold manufacturing has been the attention of the developed countries. In fact, mold design and manufacturing is already a very important area of manufacturing. According to reports, China to large, sophisticated, complex, long life mold as the representative of the high level of the proportion of mold has reached more than 35%. With the development of the mold industry, the demand for precision and heavy equipment also increased accordingly.

At present, the Yangtze River Delta and the Pearl River Delta region has developed into two domestic mold manufacturing base and sales distribution center. However, due to the overall industry plan is not added, the two regions increased competition. Among them, the proportion of foreign-funded enterprises, income and profit accounted for 35.98%, respectively, 47.19% and 56.05%, in China's mold manufacturing industry competition occupies a very important position. But overall, the current domestic mold industry is still concentrated in the low-end areas, the number of high-end products is too small, and lack of competitiveness.

According to statistics, the past few years more than half of the world's molds are manufactured by Europe and the United States and other countries, China and other Asian countries accounted for only 1%. Fortunately, now this pattern will gradually be broken, more and more domestic auto mold enterprises began to enter the front of the industry. With a variety of advantages, in the international mold market and domestic high-end abrasive industry, and constantly open up the soil, and made do not know the achievements.

However, in the positive results at the same time, the domestic mold industry as a whole, there is still information asymmetry, technology transfer difficulties and other issues.

So far the domestic mold market, the main business is still dimension to the main line of market development. Although this business model to feed the country more than 30,000 of the mold manufacturing enterprises, creating a total size of 2 trillion yuan super "big cake" (as of 2015 data), but the supply and demand does not match, technical difficulties, information Asymmetry, etc., is still the traditional mold industry development of the main problems.

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However, with the advent of the concept of "Internet +" and the introduction of the "Made in China 2025" program, it is also a new platform for new ideas that can solve these problems. At present, including the network technology manufacturing platform, including China's manufacturing technology platform, including the emergence of network technology, the emergence of trading platform, to solve the mold industry, information asymmetry between enterprises, communication technology needs to achieve low-cost technology transfer, and through other areas of business or institutions Solve technical problems, etc., provides a new channel. With the industry and the Internet, can effectively promote the mold products, product backlog phenomenon has been improved, many problems in the development of the traditional industries are with the help of the Internet to achieve successful industrial transformation.

Mold industry before the hardships, need to work together.

At present, from a global perspective, the world mold manufacturing industry increasingly fierce competition. With the gradual decline of the global economy, Japan and the United States as the world's traditional two mold production countries, are accelerating the pace of development to overseas. With strong technical strength, continue to impact the other countries of the relevant market, but also on the previous Chinese mold enterprises to lay the hard-won overseas market constitutes a considerable threat.

At this juncture, we should fully carry forward the "Internet +" advantage, fully integrate the resources of all sides, relying on innovative ability to seek a breakthrough in the high-end mold market, in the solid enterprise "cake" at the same time, for a broader market The