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Town of mold named the town of ten artisans

Post by:admin | Post time:2017/4/9

  It is understood that last year, Huangyan District, jointly launched a number of intelligent mold town of the first "town of ten craftsmen" selection activities. The selection for the town engaged in mold manufacturing manufacturing line of mechanics, practitioners experience more than 5 years. After 10, "the town craftsman" from the thousands of first-line technicians stand out. Their hardships, excellence, courage, study the spirit of technology and behavior is the best interpretation of the spirit of artisans, but also create a love and dedication, study the good atmosphere of technology. In recognition of the meeting, from the Sinuo Holding Group Co., Ltd. Liu Zhiwen said emotionally: "I am an ordinary skilled workers, can get 'town craftsman' title, feel proud and honored, I want to use the spirit of craftsmen to spur Own, to influence the people around.

  In addition, Huangyan mold town since its inception, co-ordinate the construction of management personnel, professional and technical personnel and technical personnel three teams. In accordance with the requirements of the young, professional requirements, the implementation of the talent "lead the geese" project to guide enterprises to improve high-level talent entrepreneurship innovation, occupational pension and other aspects of support policies to attract the national "thousands of people plan" "Yangtze River scholar" "millions of talent Project "and other high-end talent to the town to settle down, so as to build talent gathering" Huangyan Heights. " Has been the introduction of "national 1000" "province 1000" two, all kinds of mold professional senior technical staff, research and development staff of more than 80 people, one can carry forward the spirit of craftsmen and the requirements of the town to create the mold "iron army" is taking shape.