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Research on the Development of Mold Synergic Technology

Post by:admin | Post time:2017/4/9

With the development of information technology and computer network technology, manufacturing has entered a new era of global competition. Mold manufacturing industry as an important basis for modern manufacturing industry, in the production of a very wide range of applications, almost all hardware, plastic, rubber products are required through the mold made of processing. As the efficiency of mold design and manufacturing has a decisive influence on the development efficiency of the products. In order to meet the needs of global competition, mold enterprises must cooperate and communicate with each other from decentralized cooperation, mold design units, manufacturing enterprises and mold users. , The use of network collaboration technology, to play their respective technological advantages, in order to quickly develop high-quality mold products.

First, mold development technology status quo

Computer Supported Cooperative Work (ComputerSupportedCooperativeWork, abbreviated as CSCW) was first proposed by MIT's IreneGreif and Dicky (DEC) PaulCashman in 1984, which refers to the computer technology support environment (ie CS), A group works together to complete a common task (ie CW). Its goal is to design a variety of collaborative applications. Including the construction of collaborative working system, the work of group work and the related technical research to support the work of the group, the development of application system and so on.

On the mold co-design and manufacturing platform, in recent years at home and abroad to do a lot of research.

The CSCW technology is applied to the CAD / CAE / CAM / system integration of the injection mold, and the application layer, communication layer and data layer are established. The paper introduces the key technology of the mold coordination manufacturing system. And proposes a dynamic constraint solving technique and an integrated conflict resolution model.

The manufacturing engineering department of Nanjing University of Science and Technology has carried out research on CAD / CAM system for CSCW, and proposed a Web-based collaborative design and manufacturing system architecture and developed an application platform. The system uses B / S structure, and uses the key technologies such as computer network, COM component, collaborative work management, distributed data management, security control, constraint management and conflict resolution to realize networked remote collaborative design and manufacturing.

Guangdong University of Technology, Institute of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering CMS laboratory developed in southern China for the characteristics of mold manufacturing enterprises die network manufacturing collaborative platform, and on the basis of the development of mold enterprises in southern China for the collaborative manufacturing system of a variety of functional modules. It mainly includes two parts: enterprise information and resource sharing platform and mold collaborative design and manufacturing platform.

Huazhong University of Science and Technology, State Key Laboratory of Plastic Forming Simulation and Die & Mold Technology, China, put forward the organizational structure of the integrated information model to meet the collaborative design process of the mold, and construct a mold co-design framework with four layers of organizational structure.

Jilin University, School of Mechanical Science and Engineering, Jilin University for the mold manufacturing network manufacturing platform for research and development, mainly to achieve, including user management authority, project management and collaboration tools integration of three modules. The platform system is based on the computer support collaborative work (cscw), in Windows2000 Professional system environment, the product database as a framework, the use of dynamic web programming (ASP) and Java3D language development.

In addition, the Fujian Provincial Science and Technology Department of major scientific and technological projects, Jiangsu Province, Automotive Engineering Key Laboratory of open funds projects have done a lot of research in this area. From these present situation can be seen, a large number of scholars in the mold network collaborative platform for the study, and achieved some results. But because some of the key technical aspects have not been resolved, the implementation of some of the so-called "collaborative" and some simply through e-mail for some consultations only, and some are only a single enterprise within the use of collaboration, these can not be called the full sense Network collaboration. In the mold product development in the real effective network of collaborative design and manufacturing, but also need to make a lot of research and development work.

Second, mold technology development direction

Network collaborative design and manufacturing is the main production model of the 21st century manufacturing industry, which effectively improves the utilization rate of resources in the industry, strengthens the cooperation between enterprises and greatly improves the production efficiency. With the continuous progress of science and technology, manufacturing industry is digital, intelligent, network and globalization direction, the product life cycle is shorter and shorter, new products listed faster and faster. Die network CEO Luo Baihui said that the mold is the basic manufacturing process equipment, mold design, manufacturing efficiency of the product development efficiency has a decisive impact. At present, the computer technology in the processing and manufacturing industry has been widely used, some of our mold manufacturing enterprises are also gradually using CAD / CAPP / CAE / CAM and other advanced technology for mold development, and received a certain effect. But in general, China's mold development technology is still a big gap with the market requirements. Therefore, the establishment of industry-based collaborative design and manufacturing platform, fully revitalize the industry's resource cooperation, optimize the design and manufacturing processes, to improve the overall competitiveness of the industry has a huge role in promoting.

Industry-oriented mold network collaboration platform through the integration of industry manufacturing information and resources, including the mold network collaborative development, network material supply, network manufacturing, network equipment, technology, human resources, development tools and management software sharing Industry network collaborative service platform, so as to improve the industry's product innovation, flexible ability to adapt to the ability to risk and the industry's overall competitiveness.

Industry-oriented mold network collaborative platform based on the current popular J2EE / EJB, using XML and Ajax technology to achieve cross-platform network to achieve the integration of system information resources. Composed of database management layer, basic management and maintenance layer, functional module layer and user web page layer four levels.

1) User web page layer: in the user's browser to provide interactive graphical interface, including a variety of menus, dialog boxes, etc., to support the operation of the command and information input and output. Through the platform to provide the graphical visual interface, the user can intuitively and easily the entire system of various objects in the operation. It is to achieve the various functions of the platform trigger point, the media, in the top.

2) Function module layer: In addition to system management, the platform provides users with the main function modules for all users of shared resources, browsing and query, software rental, for the joining enterprises to work together, and other website services, such as forums, Blog and so on.

3) Basic management and maintenance layer: This layer provides the basic management of the various functions of the platform. Because the object management framework of the platform system has the characteristics of shielding heterogeneous operating system, network and database, users can realize the transparency of application call, data operation and process management when applying various functions of platform system.

4) database management: through the relational database to provide data manipulation functions to support the platform system objects in the underlying database management.

Industry-oriented mold network collaboration platform for the functional modules include public resources, market information resources, collaborative platform. Market information part of the realization of a complete supply chain, registered companies can publish the purchase, supply information. Such as the need for business associations, but also the tender and the tender operation. Collaborative work is the most critical part of the collaborative platform. After establishing the cooperative relationship, the enterprise can use the functions of the collaborative work platform, from project creation to task decomposition, to collaboration and adjustment, until the final cancellation can be provided through the platform Cooperate at any time.

1. The establishment of collaborative management system

The networked collaborative development model requires multiple departments of different enterprises to perform the various sub-tasks of the project at different locations at the same time. In order to support group collaboration, an integrated collaborative project management system must be established. Collaborative project management system based on the Web network, by the project manager, the collaborative work group under a certain authority under the resources (data, documents and design tools, etc.) shared. Luo Baihui believes that in the establishment of collaborative project management system, should take full account of the characteristics of mold project management (multi-project parallelism, task duration of the uncertainty, etc.) to complete the project sub-program decomposition and progress control, conflict resolution and change.

At the same time, through collaborative project management system to solve the rational allocation of project resources, project quality control and project costs and cost control and other issues.

2. Remote sharing and management of resources

The resources of the mold network platform mainly include equipment resources, technical resources, human resources, software tools resources, electronic resources and information resources. How to achieve the optimization and integration within the industry, reduce the duplication of resources, reduce the idle resources, improve resource utilization is to improve the overall competitiveness of the mold industry and the key issues of efficiency. On-line rental mold software and management system software, and to achieve DNC remote control, the establishment of agile and efficient supply chain management system, is to achieve remote sharing and management of resources an important way.

3. The establishment of a visual collaborative interaction platform

The establishment of a visual collaborative interaction platform provides a guarantee for the implementation of networked collaboration. In addition to the use of traditional e-mail, online chat and other basic ways, through the network video conferencing, electronic whiteboard and desktop collaboration tools and other efficient ways to better achieve customers and designers, manufacturing staff between the full collaboration.

4. Product data management

PDM is the core component of product lifecycle management and is the data management center of each product project. The product data management of the mold network collaborative platform mainly includes the model structure, the engineering pattern, the technical document, the process information and the progress information. Due to the characteristics of the network, requiring product data must support the distribution environment, and to ensure real-time consistency and security, do a good job version of the control management.

5. Security technology

The users of the networked collaborative system platform are distributed in different regions and enterprises. They have different tasks in the project. They have different permissions on the access to the system and must set the access control. Access control is an important mechanism to realize the security of distributed information system. With the user-role-based permission control mode, the system can assign roles to each user. By controlling the detailed functions of the system role, such as adding, deleting, checking, and changing a piece of information, the role combination is used to control Its authority. The system can also track the operation of the user in the network platform through the access control technology and record it in the corresponding database.

In addition, the network collaboration needs to send a lot of data on the network, because the Internet protocol openness and routing randomness, making the remote transmission of data is easy to be stolen, so we must use encryption and decryption technology to ensure data security , To detect and prevent hackers in time.